Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut Stain
Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut StainGretsch Guitars2505812517 is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut StainGretsch Guitars2505812517 can be purchased from the Internet. After Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut StainGretsch Guitars2505812517 was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut StainGretsch Guitars2505812517 is easy to read and understand the information they love Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut StainGretsch Guitars2505812517 so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut StainGretsch Guitars2505812517 has a price. And limited.Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut StainGretsch Guitars2505812517
Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut Stain Overview
Twice the twang, two times the style. Gretsch presents the double cutaway version of the classic Electromatic G5120 hollow body. No matter how you see it, the NEW G5122 will steal your heart when you feel its body resonate against yours as you strum your favorite chords. Professional features include dual coil humbucking pickups, rosewood based Adjusto-Matic bridge, Bigsby Licensed B60 Vibrato Tailpiece & chrome-plated die cast tuners. Color options include Black & Walnut. Case not included. Laminated maple body Maple neck Rosewood fingerboard 22 frets 2 chrome covered humbuckers Master Volume and Tone knobs with 2 pickup volume knobs and 3-way switch Chrome plated die-cast tuners Rosewood-based Adjusto-Matic bridge Bigsby licensed B60 Vibrato tailpiece Chrome plated hardware Neo Classic "Thumbnail" Inlay Position Markers Black Headstock Overlay Pearloid Gretsch and Electromatic Headstock Inlays Bound Top and Back Bound Fingerboard Clear Plexi Pickguard Knurled Strap Retainer Knobs Adjustable Truss Rod 24.56" scale Case not included
Gretsch Guitars G5122 Double Cutaway Electromatic Hollowbody Electric Guitar Walnut Stain Feature
- Walnut Stain